UAE Launches 10-year Blue Residency Visa for Environment Champions

UAE Launches 10-year Blue Residency Visa for Environment Champions

The Blue Residency Visa is aimed at champions in land, marine protection, air quality and sustainable technology sectors

The UAE Cabinet has approved a 10-year Blue Residency visa for people who make “exceptional contributions” towards protecting the environment.

H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, announced the visa after chairing a Cabinet meeting at Qasr Al Watan in Abu Dhabi.

“The sustainability of our economy has become linked to the sustainability of our environment, and our national directions in this area are clear and consistent,” His Highness stated on X.

The visa will be granted to individuals who make exceptional contributions and efforts in the field of protecting the environment, whether marine or land. Work towards improving air quality and sustainable technologies will also be rewarded.

The Cabinet also agreed to adopt the National Youth Agenda until 2031, which means a core focus of the government will be empowering young people economically, developing their scientific skills, consolidating their sense of national identity, enhancing their social contributions, and activating their role to represent the nation.

The Cabinet also reviewed recent developments in the country’s space sector, after spending increased by 14 per cent.

“We will continue to protect our environment. We will continue to adopt the best international technologies in our government. We will continue to develop our higher education systems," H.H. added.

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